Refreshing builds

We typically refresh weekly, but can adjust the schedule as needed. These directions walk you through a refresh, as well as an internal build to check drafts and error logs in between publish dates.


You must have the following prerequisites to publish live:

  • Minimum KCS1 access to the Customer Portal and Pantheon
  • Connection to the VPN
  • Logged in to the Customer Portal
  • Logged in to the Pantheon UI

PR for live refresh

Note: Do not create a PR to the prod branch if you are only building stage for internal purposes. Move on to the later sections in this case.

You have to get a copy of stage to prod to refresh live docs. To create the pull request (PR) to refresh live, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a PR from stage to prod.

  2. Get it approved, then merge. If the PR has conflicts, you and the team will have to work through those.

    Note: If you are publishing a previously staged version for GA, you will need to create the prod branch first. You will only have stage because you have not yet published the version.

Run a build

Use this process to refresh a public version or build internally.

  1. Run the following command, where X.X doc_branch is the version number and either stage for daily work, or prod for a live refresh.

    ./ <X.X> <X.X_branch>


    ./ 2.9 2.9_stage 
  2. When the build output says "DONE", the commit number and branch are displayed. Take note of the last commit number that is listed (in this case, 9ce7819). See the following example:

    + e7cd514...9ce7819 2.9_stage -> 2.9 (forced update)
  3. Open the Pantheon UI that lists the books for the release that you are building.

  4. Confirm that the commit number that you noted in step 5 is listed for each book (in this example, 9ce7819). If you see a different commit #, Pantheon might not have the latest build. Select the drop-down arrow, then select Rebuild for each book that needs the updated commit. You can also do this from Bulk actions.

    You can now check for failures and review logs, if needed.

  5. Important Only if you are publishing live. After all of the builds for the books are clean and the commits match your build, you are ready to publish. See the following steps to Publish a GA version.

Publish a GA version

  1. When you have completed all of the previous steps for the prod branch of your release, you can publish by selecting Publish for each book on Pantheon.

Note: If the publish button is grayed out, make sure that you are logged in to Pantheon.

  1. Verify that the commits on the Pantheon UI all match for stage and prod. That means that you pushed all of the latest files that resulted from your last build.

Set up local build

Make sure you are connected to the VPN and have Homebrew installed before completing the following steps to build locally:

  1. Download the build script to a folder of your choice from the master branch at:
  2. Change to your chosen directory. For example, the following command switches to the Documents folder:

    cd Documents
  3. Make the script executable by running the following command:

    chmod +x
  4. Install gsed by running the following command:

    brew install gnu-sed
  5. Add your SSH key to your GitLab account. You can find the link to GitLab on Rover Apps. If you have already set up your GitHub account, you have a SSH key. To find it, see Checking for existing SSH keys. If you need to create a new key, see Generating a new SSH key.

    Then, complete the following steps to use your SSH key for your GitLab account:

    • Copy the key.
    • Open GitLab.
    • Open your profile.
    • Select SSH Keys in the left nav.
    • Paste the key and select Add key.
  6. Run the file with the following command to build 2.9:

    ./ 2.9 2.9_stage

    Note: The first number is the GitLab branch number (corresponds to our release number). The second number is our GitHub branch. Both prod and stage go to the same GitLab branch.

  7. When running the script for the first time after adding your SSH key to GitLab, you might receive an error resembling the following message:

    The authenticity of host can't be established.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
    • Enter yes and continue.
    • You might receive an access rights error message. Ignore the message and run the script again. If you have the correct access rights, the script runs successfully. If not, contact your manager to gain access rights.

Pantheon updates automatically and matches the commit number. If Pantheon does not update automatically, you can manually refresh individual books.

Resolve error zsh: permission denied

Running step 7 from the Set up local build topic results in the error zsh: permission denied if the correct permissions are not set up. To solve the issue, complete the following steps:

  1. Give the terminal full write access to the disk.
  2. Run the following command after filling in your username and the correct path to the file:

    sudo chown -R username/path-to-file
  3. Run the following command:

    chmod +x