Deprecating and removing

We document when parts of the product are deprecated or removed. We also need to give users the alternative actions in the Recommended action and details, which display in the tables for the current release and for two prior releases. See release notes for examples.

(We brought this deprecation and removal strategy with us from IBM Doc Strategy because it works well, RH did not have a consistent strategy, and STSMs and DEs approved this process.)


Deprecation: A piece of the product will no longer be developed or updated. These components or features are highlighted in the doc. Removed: A piece of the product is removed. All mention of this feature or component is removed from the doc for the version that it is removed.

A deprecated component, feature, or service is supported, but no longer recommended for use and might become obsolete in future releases. Place alternative actions in the Recommended action and details that are provided in the following table:

A removed item is typically function that was deprecated in previous releases and is no longer available in the product. usually these are removed after two releases, but the support manager, tech leads, and product managers will decide to remove. Users use alternatives in the Recommended action.

Important Usually before something is removed, it was already deprecated for at least two releases. There are rare occasions where this is missed by the product team, but it is not ideal for the customer.

Component and feature deprecation and removal

A developer story or epic would indicated if something is deprecated or removed. They will create a doc issue to deprecate or remove an item.

  1. Update the table in the Deprecations and removals part of the release notes. These do not go in the new release notes.
  2. Go to places where the item is documented and highlight it with Deprecation, or remove the file or section if it is a removal.
  3. For removals, you need to work with engineering to ensure the meaning of the topic has not changed if you only removed a piece of the procedure.
  4. Ensure the table is reviewed each release for existing and outdated content. A cross-squad issue with the release manager is an efficient way to get dev teams to review existing content. For new entries, developers need to open new issues for doc.
  5. Remove content that is not within the n-2 support structure.

API deprecations

API deprecations and removals: follows the Kubernetes deprecation guidelines for APIs. See the Kubernetes Deprecation Policy for more details about that policy.

  • APIs are only deprecated or removed outside of the following timelines:

    • All V1 APIs are generally available and supported for 12 months or three releases, whichever is greater. V1 APIs are not removed, but can be deprecated outside of that time limit.
    • All beta APIs are generally available for nine months or three releases, whichever is greater. Beta APIs are not removed outside of that time limit.
    • All alpha APIs are not required to be supported, but might be listed as deprecated or removed if it benefits users.

Entire version EOL doc process

When a version of the product code is no longer supported (EOL), the program manager will have a document to communicate this to the teams. Someone on the ACM leadership team shoud open an Epic, which also will lead to a doc issue for EOL.

  • We cannot remove a version of the doc, per support. But it is always worth asking for really old versions to see if the policy has changed.
  • How we indicated a version of the product is removed, but the doc is deprecated is with a note similar to the following note: **Deprecated:** {acm-short} 2.7 and earlier versions are no longer supported. The documentation might remain available, but without any Errata or other updates. **Best practice:** Upgrade to the most recent version.
  • The accompanying MCE doc will need this, as well: **Deprecated:** {mce-short} 2.2 and earlier versions are no longer supported. The documentation might remain available, but without any Errata or other updates. **Best practice:** Upgrade to the most recent version.
  • It’s a good idea to place these exact notes at the top of the Deprectation topic, Intro to release notes, and Intro to install topics.
  • Since this has been done, you can simply replace the version number in each note. If you change this strategy based on field feedback and such, be sure to change all spots using find and replace, and the directions in this document.